
Strike a Yoga Pose: Tortoise

Some yoga poses look more pretzel-y than others, and this one for sure makes the list. All you runners and bikers out there — this pose is a must-do because it'll increase flexibility in your tight hamstrings, and stretch the muscles in your lower back.

  • Begin in a Seated Straddle position, with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Bend both knees and slide your arms underneath your knees. Straighten your arms behind you, and place your palms on the floor.
  • Now work on straightening your legs as much as you can, pressing your upper arms toward the floor with your legs.
  • Lengthen through your spine by reaching the crown of your head away from your pelvis. Open your chest and if you can, and rest your chin on the mat.
  • Stay here for five deep breaths. Then release by bending your knees and sitting up.

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